Melissa Essential Oil: A Great Choice For Treating The Heart

Melissa essential oil balm is very low, about three tons of bee balm to extract less than one pound of bee balm essential oil, so the price is expensive.

Melissa oil, also known as “lemon balm oil”, is used in traditional medicine to treat many health problems, including insomnia, anxiety, migraines, high blood pressure, diabetes, herpes.

This lemon-scented oil can be applied topically to the skin, taken internally, or used for home fragrance.

One of the most widely known benefits of Melissa oil is its ability to treat orofacial herpes and without the use of antibiotics, which may make the strains in the body more resistant.

The antiviral and anti-microbial properties of Melissa are just one of a number of powerful therapeutic properties of this precious essential oil.

Let’s look at other benefits of melissa essential oil.

Top 9 Benefits of Melissa Essential Oil

Anti-inflammatory activity

Melissa essential oil can be used to treat a variety of conditions associated with inflammation and pain. 

When taken orally, the anti-inflammatory properties of the essential oil showed a reduction and inhibition of edema, which is caused by excess fluid retained in body tissues.

Some studies suggest that essential oil can be used internally or externally to reduce swelling and alleviate pain due to its anti-inflammatory activity.

Prevention and treatment of infections

It is well known that the widespread use of antibacterial drugs can lead to the development of resistant strains of bacteria, which can seriously impair the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy due to drug resistance.

Research suggests that the use of herbal remedies may be a preventive measure against treatment failure due to resistance to man-made antibiotics.

Researchers have evaluated the ability of Melissa essential oil to stop bacterial infections. 


Studies have shown that Melissa essential oil is an effective hypoglycemic and antidiabetic agent, possibly due to enhanced uptake and metabolism of glucose in the liver and inhibition of gluconeogenesis (the conversion of simple non-sugar precursors into sugar) in adipose tissue and the liver.

Promotes healthy skin

Melissa essential oil can be used to treat eczema, acne, and small wounds naturally because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

In studies where the topical application of Melissa essential oil was used, wound healing time was found to be statistically better in the group treated with Melissa essential oil.

The oil is gentle enough to be applied directly to the affected skin to help clear up skin problems caused by bacteria or fungus.

Treatment of viruses

Melissa is often the herb of choice for treating herpes labialis. It is effective in fighting the herpes virus and inhibiting the spread of viral infections, which is especially useful for people who have developed resistance to antiviral medications that are commonly used.

Some researchers concluded that balsam fir essential oil is a suitable topical medication for herpes because of its antiviral properties and its ability to penetrate the skin due to its lipophilic nature.

Potential anti-tumor agent

A 2004 study found that balsam fir essential oil has potential as an anti-tumor agent, as evidenced by the reduction in human cancer cell lines when evaluated in vitro studies.

The activity of Melissa essential oil and its main component, geranylgeraniol, was investigated in GBM cell lines. 

Both Melissa essential oil and geranylgeraniol had antioxidant effects, reduced the survival rate of GBM cells, and induced apoptosis, showing their potential as natural anticancer agents.

Balancing Mood

With its antidepressant, hypnotic and calming effects, Melissa essential oil gives a sense of calmness and warmth. 

In 2013, a study found that Melissa essential oil can help improve anxiety, depression, neuroprotection, and cognitive performance.

Melissa essential oil has also been shown to regulate mood and cognitive performance in healthy young volunteers who did not report any side effects or symptoms of toxicity.

Even with the lowest dose of essential oil maintenance, testers who rated themselves as “calm” improved, making it an important oil for treating depression.

Help reduce high blood pressure

Melissa essential oil is effective in lowering blood pressure because of its hypotensive, hypolipidemic, antiarrhythmic, neuroprotective, and hepatoprotective properties.

Lower triglyceride levels

A 2012 study suggests that ingesting Melissa essential oil may be beneficial for metabolism.

When used in mice, Melissa essential oil slowed the synthesis of fatty acids (a process that produces fat accumulation in the body), thereby lowering triglyceride levels.

The primary function of triglycerides is to supply and store energy, and also to fix and protect internal organs. If triglycerides are elevated, there may be risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Another study found that the Melissa essential oil contains phenolic alkaloids that inhibit cholesterol synthesis, leading to a reduction in total cholesterol levels, total lipid levels, and lipid peroxidation levels in liver tissue.

How To Use Melissa Essential Oil?

You can find bee balm essential oil in some health stores and online. Melissa essential oil is one of the most expensive essential oils, but it is worth the money. Don’t be fooled by cheaper products.

The highest quality, 100% pure essential oil, 5 ml of Melissa ranges from $75 to $150. Be sure to read labels carefully and buy balsam fir essential oil (or any essential oil) from a trusted and reputable company. Quality is especially important if you intend to take the oil internally.

Melissa essential oil can be diffused, applied topically, and taken internally at home or in the office. For people with sensitive skin, mix with a carrier oil before applying the essential oil.

For internal use, start with the smallest amount, such as 1 or 2 drops, and if you plan to take any essential oil internally for a long period of time, consult with your health counselor or essential oil instructor before doing so.

Here are some simple ways to use essential oils of Melissa at home:

  • To improve symptoms of dementia, diffuse daily or sniff and inhale the essential oil directly from the bottle.
  • To improve skin conditions such as eczema. Add 5 drops of Melissa essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil, mix evenly and apply to face or other skin areas. Or add 5 drops of essential oil to your moisturizing spray, shake well and spray on eczema areas.
  • To treat herpes or herpes on the lips, apply the diluted essential oil of Melissa to the affected area.
  • To lower blood sugar, drink 1 to 2 drops of essential oil of Melissa in warm water.
  • To combat feelings of depression and anxiety, apply 2 drops of Melissa diluted 1:5 with a carrier oil to the neck or behind the ears.
  • To improve vertigo and nervousness, you can also apply diluted Melissa essential oil behind the ears to relieve nervousness, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Or add 1 drop of essential oil of bee balm to water or tea and drink.
  • To relieve high blood pressure, you can apply the diluted essential oil of bee balm to the chest and neck or drink 1 drop in water.

The Origin of Melissa Essential Oil

Melissa essential oil, also known as lemon balm, is a member of the Lamiaceae (peppermint family). The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation, distilling the leaves and flowers.

Lemon balm is a medicinal plant native to the Eastern Mediterranean region and Western Asia. This herb has been used since ancient times to treat diseases.

What Is The Chemical Composition of Melissa Essential Oil?

Melissa essential oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, antispasmodic, and antidepressant properties. It has a subtle lemon scent and promotes emotional balance and skin health.

One of the main benefits of Melissa essential oil is its antioxidant properties, which are due to the presence of its specific compounds. Researchers have identified 70 active compounds in Melissa essential oil, including geranial, geraniol ene, nerolides, and citronellal.

Because of its medicinal properties, bergamot essential oil has been used in many scientific studies, including on the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, memory, learning, and depression.

The History of Melissa Essential Oil 

Although not a widely known essential oil, the oil has been used therapeutically for centuries.

In the 14th century, it was added to the tonic water made by the French nuns of Cameron, and in the 16th century, the famous philosopher, physician, and botanist Paracelsus called the herb “the elixir of life,” while the 17th-century writer and gardener John Evelyn called it “the brain’s master”, enhances memory, and powerfully drives away melancholy.

Considerations for Using Melissa Essential Oil

Avoid using vanilla essential oil during pregnancy as it is a menstrual regulator. If applying to the skin, dilute with a carrier oil (coconut oil or jojoba oil) first.

Melissa essential oil can be diffused at home or applied topically to the skin. For people with sensitive skin, please dilute with a carrier oil before applying.

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