Do You Sleep Well? Using essential oil for insomnia

Sleep takes up about a third of a person’s life, but insomnia always plagues us, and using essential oil for insomnia is a great option.

Waking up refreshed is the perfect way to start a new day.

Many people mistakenly think that sleep is simply resting, eyes closed and opened, a night has passed, just like the process of computer shut down and then boot up.

But the truth is that the brain is still active during sleep. Sleep is an active process, not a passive and negative state. 

We still consume a lot of calories after sleep, and our consciousness does not stop, but the connection between our conscious senses and the outside world is actively cut off by our body.

Do you have insomnia?  

The key to sleep is cyclicality, with a fixed structure of stages within each cycle. After falling asleep we go through 4 to 5 cycles. These cycles consist of 5 sleep stages.

Sleep onset phase: drowsiness

Light sleep phase: light sleepiness

Ripe sleep stage 1: deep sleep with increased slow waves of brain waves

REM 2: deep sleep with lowest EEG frequency

REM stage: rapid eye movement stage, where dreams occur

A nightly sleep cycle contains multiple combinations of these stages.

Your ability to fall asleep in the natural cycle state and your ability to complete 4-5 cycles while falling asleep is the key to quality and efficient sleep.

It’s normal to wake up to the sound of birdsong in the morning, but if you start to worry about being lethargic or unconscious all day, you may be suffering from insomnia.

Why people would insomnia?  

There are many reasons for this condition, such as pain, cramps, overwork, overeating, overexcitement, stress or anxiety, and possibly hunger pangs or certain medications.

Finding the cause of the problem is the first and most important step.

Overexertion, on the other hand, maybe caused by staying up late at work. Watching TV or reading in the bedroom can easily make people hyperactive and enter a state of sleepiness but not being able to fall asleep. Take a look at your habits in the hours before you fall asleep.

If you go to bed at 10 p.m. every night, you should stop drinking stimulant drinks such as caffeinated beverages, black tea, certain sodas or coffee after 4 p.m. Drink some herbal teas, such as chamomile tea. 

Alcohol should be avoided. To remove all outside distractions, such as electronic clocks or other appliances that make noise.

Emotional problems, including anxiety, are a little more difficult to control, but even so, using some essential oils and listening to relaxing music before going to bed can help.

Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated, as poor ventilation can often cause people to wake up at the night. Most importantly, stop worrying that you’ll lose sleep.

How to use essential oils to relieve insomnia?  

The following essential oils can be used when taking a comfortable warm bath, do not bathe in water that is too hot or too cold before going to bed. You may prefer to use these oils while taking a foot bath.

These oils can also be used to formulate massage oils to massage areas of the body that are easy to reach. Incense is also a good and easy way to use.

4 best essential oils for helping sleep

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is very versatile and can be used throughout the day for its calming effect, which is also useful for solid sleep, as it relaxes the body, relieves tension, and provides a perfect atmosphere for rest.

There are studies that show the hypnotic and sedative effects of lavender. Inhaling lavender can reduce sleep disturbances, improve the quality and duration of sleep, combat insomnia, and improve overall well-being.

Frankincense oil

Frankincense essential oil provides a feeling of relaxation and other health benefits, such as reducing chronic stress, anxiety, pain, and inflammation, while boosting your immune system.

It is even known for its anti-cancer properties. In addition, it creates a balanced mood when you wake up.

Studies have shown that frankincense can reduce anxiety or chronic stress and improve the resulting poor sleep.

The scent of frankincense helps the body breathe well, allowing the body to reach an ideal sleep state and eliminating certain aches and pains that keep people from falling asleep. Related scientific evidence – Frankincense

Cedarwood oil

Cedarwood essential oil has a warm, woody scent that helps promote a good night’s sleep. It is both grounding and calming, which enhances relaxation by way of relaxation.

It relieves tension by producing the serotonin that causes melatonin to be released.

Melatonin helps induce a state of sedation which provides restorative sleep and gives you a feeling of freshness in the morning.

Studies have found that cedarwood essential oil has a “significant calming effect” and can regulate sleep disorders.

Bergamot oil

Bergamot essential oil helps to calm the mind and body.

It relieves nervous tension by stimulating dopamine and serotonin while providing a sense of calmness, relaxation, and contentment.

A controlled trial study found that bergamot essential oil reduced cortisol levels and improved negative mood and fatigue. Related scientific evidence: Bergamot

Other oils

Benzoin essential oil, marjoram essential oil, clary sage essential oil, Roman chamomile essential oil, vetiver essential oil, nutmeg essential oil, valerian essential oil and so on.

Among them, lavender essential oil, marjoram essential oil, Roman chamomile essential oil, nutmeg essential oil to be used in small doses to have the effect of tranquility.

Common blend essential oil recipe for insomnia 

Recipe: clary sage essential oil 3 drops + vetiver essential oil 2 drops + valerian essential oil 1 drop + lavender essential oil 2 drops

How to use: Mix the above essential oils and put 3 drops into each bath, or you can dilute it with a carrier oil first; or when doing body massage, put 3-5 drops of the above compound essential oils into 10ml of carrier oil to dilute.

The warm compound essential oil recipe for insomnia

Recipe: benzoin essential oil 4 drops + nutmeg essential oil 3 drops + Roman chamomile essential oil 2 drops

How to use: Mix the above essential oils and put 3 drops into each bath; or when doing body massage, put 3-5 drops of the above compound oils into 10ml of base oil to dilute.

The foot bath essential oil recipe for insomnia

Recipe: 1 drop of lavender essential oil + 3 drops of marjoram essential oil + 3 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil + 1 drop of valerian essential oil. Blend into a compound oil

How to use: Add 4 drops of the above-mentioned essential oil to each foot bath.

Ease essential oil recipe for insomnia

Happy sage 3 drops + vetiver 2 drops + valerian 1 drop + lavender 2 drops

Mix these oils and add 3 drops to every 5ml or 1 teaspoon of carrier oil to dilute each bath, or you can dissolve 3~5 drops of this blend into 3 drops of carrier oil when doing body massage.

Ease foot bath essential oil for insomnia

1 drop of lavender + 3 drops of marjoram + 3 drops of Roman chamomile + 1 drop of valerian

Mix these essential oils and use 4 drops when doing a foot bath.

Friendly reminder

Treatment of insomnia should first find the cause of insomnia

  1. If it is because of frequent urination. To get up frequently at night, then drink less water, especially really before going to bed.
  2. Stomach bloating can trigger pain and discomfort, and stomach bloating is usually caused by eating too late, so try to advance the time of dinner.
  3. Excessive fatigue may be caused by staying up late at work.

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