Lavender Essential Oil: Balance And Repair

Lavender essential oil is the most commonly used essential oil in the world today, in fact, the benefits of lavender were discovered as early as 2500 years ago.

It has been widely used for centuries in cosmetics and therapeutics due to its powerful antioxidant, antibacterial, sedative, calming and antidepressant properties.

The scent of lavender is loved by most people, but it is also very annoying to others.

If you have a very strong aversion to the smell of essential oil, it means that it is not for you.

It is recommended that you substitute another essential oil with similar benefits and an acceptable scent.

The lavender essential oil has a seemingly contradictory effect of both calming the mind and lifting the spirit when feeling stressed, which is actually a unique feature of lavender essential oil – the balancing function.

Some people are confused by the fact that lavender essential oil has such a variety of effects.

In fact, its multiple effects are related to the multiple chemical components contained in the essential oil and its complex chemical structure.

The main properties of lavender essential oil are balancing and restorative, and this may be the reason why it can treat so many ailments.

Benefits of different varieties of lavender

However, there are too many varieties of lavender, often confusing people, here is a brief introduction to a few common ones.


Latin name Lavandula hybrida. It is a hybrid variety of lavender, initially, bees pass lavender pollen to spike lavender flowers, so where there is planted lavender or wild lavender can be seen traces of awake lavender.

The main effects are:

  1. Those containing more lipids are the most effective in fighting spasms, good for treating muscle soreness and stiffness and can be used as a painkiller and red peeler.
  2. Those containing sedum alcohol are the most effective in killing bacteria, and can treat colds, mucositis of the nose and throat, sinusitis, and other respiratory conditions;
  3. It has a very remarkable effect in treating headaches when used for aromatic baths.


Latin name Lavandula stoechas. this lavender contains a lot of ketones and is very toxic.

However, it is very powerful in dissolving the mucus and is suitable for treating chronic diseases, but it needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor with a background in aromatherapy.

Spike Lavender

Latin name Lavandula spica/L. latifolia. which is strong pungent smell.

The main functions are:

  1. antiseptic and antiviral,
  2. dissolving mucus, expectorant,
  3. suitable for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, sinusitis and throat infections, and other respiratory conditions.

However, there are two chemical types of this lavender: including Spanish spicebush and French spicebush, of which Spanish spicebush lavender contains high levels of ketones and is also very toxic, and must be used with caution and in trace amounts.


It is also known as “true lavender”, the main introduction to this article is, the Latin name Lavandula angustifolia.

Lavender has been used as an antibacterial essential oil in early and modern aromatherapy literature.

The leaves and stems of the lavender plant were used to prepare decoctions against digestive disorders and rheumatism, but lavender was also valued for its cosmetic benefits.

The Romans used lavender essential oil for bathing, cooking, and purifying the air.

In the Bible, the lavender essential oil was one of the aromatic agents used for anointing (essential oil to the forehead in religious ceremonies) and healing.

The physical benefits of lavender essential oil today include,

  • Reducing anxiety and emotional stress
  • Preventing diabetes
  • Improving brain function
  • Helps heal burns and wounds
  • Improves sleep
  • Restores skin tone and reduces acne
  • Powerful antioxidants help slow down the aging
  • Relieves pain
  • Relieves headaches

Because of the very diverse chemical composition of lavender essential oil and the fact that it is gentle enough to be applied directly to the skin.

I consider it an essential oil for everyday use, especially if you are just starting to use essential oils for health maintenance.

The scientific community has only recently begun to evaluate the health benefits contained in lavender essential oil, but there is already a wealth of evidence of the amazing benefits of this oil.

Today, lavender is one of the most popular essential oils in the world, and there is certainly a good reason for this.

People are already beginning to understand the benefits of lavender essential oil for their bodies and their homes.

Top 10 benefits of lavender essential oil

Antioxidant Protection

Free radicals, like toxins, chemicals, and pollutants, are arguably the most dangerous and common risk factor for a variety of diseases affecting Americans today.

Too many free radicals can damage the immune system and cause incredible damage to your body.

The body’s natural response to free radical damage is to produce antioxidant enzymes – specifically glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) – to stop the damage done by these free radicals.

Unfortunately, if the burden of free radicals is high enough, the body can actually become deficient in antioxidants.

In the United States, free radical burdens have become relatively common due to poor dietary habits and high exposure to toxins.

Fortunately, the lavender essential oil is a natural antioxidant that can prevent and reverse disease.

A 2013 study published in Phytomedicine found that lavender essential oil increased the body’s most powerful antioxidants glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase ( SOD) activity.

Recent studies have shown similar results, concluding that lavender has antioxidant activity and helps prevent or reverse oxidative stress.

(Oxidative stress: is an imbalance between oxidative and antioxidant action in the body, tending toward oxidation, a negative effect of free radicals in the body, and is considered an important factor in aging and disease.)

A natural remedy for diabetes

In 2014, scientists in Tunisia set out on a much-anticipated mission: to test the effects of lavender essential oil on blood sugar to see if it could help diabetes with natural remedies.

During a 15-day animal experiment, the researchers observed surprising results. In short, treatment with lavender essential oil can protect the body from the following symptoms of diabetes.

  • Elevated blood sugar (a hallmark of diabetes)
  • Metabolic disturbances (especially fat metabolism)
  • Weight gain
  • Depletion of antioxidants in the liver and kidneys
  • Liver and kidney dysfunction
  • Lipid peroxidation in the liver and kidneys (free radicals “stealing” essential fat molecules from cell membranes)

While more research is needed to understand the full power of lavender essential oil in preventing or improving diabetes, the results of this study are promising and indicate the therapeutic potential of lavender.

The use of lavender essential oil to manage diabetes can be applied to the neck and chest, or it can be diffused at home or taken internally as a supplement.

Improves Mood & Reduces Stress

In recent years, the lavender essential oil has been prized for its unique ability to prevent nerve damage.

Traditionally, lavender has been used to treat neurological problems such as migraines, stress, anxiety, and depression, and it is exciting that today’s research is able to verify history.

In 2013, an evidence-based study published in The International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice found that supplementation with 80 mg (about 2 drops) of lavender essential oil capsules relieved anxiety, sleep disorders and depression.

In addition, the use of lavender essential oil in this study was found to have no side effects and no drug interactions or withdrawal symptoms (various physical or psychological discomfort reactions due to discontinuation of use).

The lavender essential oil has also been shown to improve post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with a daily intake of 80 mg of lavender essential oil helping 47 people with PTSD to reduce symptoms of depression by 33% and significantly reduce sleep disturbances, depressed mood, and overall health status.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a delayed onset and persistence of psychiatric disorders in individuals after they have experienced, witnessed or encountered one or more actual deaths involving themselves or others, or the threat of death, or a serious injury, or a threat to somatic integrity.

The prevalence of PTSD has been reported inconsistently, with women more likely to develop PTSD than men.

To relieve stress and improve sleep, place an aromatherapy diffuser next to your bed at night and diffuse essential oils in your homeroom while reading or relaxing at night.

You can also get the same effect by applying lavender essential oil behind your ears.

Supports Brain Function

The neurological benefits of lavender essential oil go beyond its ability to treat depression and elevate mood.

Studies have also shown lavender essential oil to be a natural remedy for Alzheimer’s disease (dementia)!

A study conducted on rats showed that inhaling lavender essential oil vapor helped prevent oxidative stress in the brain and improved cognitive impairment.

Also in 2012, the Swiss Journal Molecules published the shocking results of a study in which researchers attributed the neuroprotective effects of lavender to its antioxidant properties.

Use lavender essential oil to support neurological health by diffusing the oil at home or inhaling the scent directly from the bottle, as well as applying it to the temples and the back of the neck.

Heals burns and cuts

For centuries, the lavender essential oil has been known for its antibacterial properties and has been used to prevent various infections and fight bacterial and fungal diseases.

In fact, nearly 100 studies have been conducted, proving time and time again the benefits of lavender in this regard. Studies have shown that lavender essential oil accelerates the healing of burns, cuts, scrapes, and wounds – in large part because of the antibacterial compounds it contains.

A study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine evaluated how lavender’s antibacterial ability was enhanced when blended with other essential oils such as clove, cinnamon and tea tree.

Blending these essential oils in a 1:1 ratio, researchers found the most effective against Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus – two common causes of many bacterial and fungal infections such as respiratory pneumonia and fungal skin infections.

A 2016 study conducted on rats found that lavender essential oil promoted wound healing early on by accelerating the formation of granulation tissue (tissue from the healing surface of the skin) and promoting collagen synthesis.

Wound areas treated with lavender essential oil were significantly reduced compared to the control group.

To relieve burns, abrasions, wounds and promote wound healing, mix 3 to 5 drops of lavender essential oil with half a teaspoon of coconut oil (about 50 drops) and apply the mixture to the affected area, either directly with the fingers or by applying drops to a clean cotton ball.

Promotes healthy skin and hair

The most likely reason for this is the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of lavender essential oil, making it a great benefit for the skin when mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or grapeseed oil.

Applying lavender essential oil helps improve many skin conditions, from mouth ulcers to allergic reactions, acne, and age spots.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the essential oil help to relieve skin conditions and improve the signs of aging.

To use lavender essential oil to promote healthy skin, mix 3 to 4 drops of the oil with ½ teaspoon (about 50 drops) of coconut or jojoba oil and massage the mixture into the skin.

You can also add lavender essential oil to your cleanser or body wash to cleanse your skin.

I also recommend mixing the lavender essential oil with frankincense essential oil and applying it to your skin after showering in the morning or before bed, which will help reduce inflammation and signs of aging, such as dark spots.

Studies have also shown that lavender essential oil, along with other essential oils such as thyme, rosemary, and cedarwood, can significantly improve baldness and hair loss when massaged into the scalp daily.

Headache Relief

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from tension or migraines, then lavender essential oil may be the natural “medicine” you’ve been looking for.

It is one of the best essential oils for headache relief, relaxing and relieving tension.

It has sedative, anti-anxiety and anti-convulsant properties.

According to a study published in European Neurology, people with migraines who inhaled lavender oil for 15 minutes experienced a significant reduction in pain.

The difference between the control group and the lavender oil treatment group was statistically significant, with 92 of 129 headache attack cases responding to lavender in a fully or partially improved manner.

In all honesty, one of the most effective ways to relieve headaches naturally is to mix 2 drops each of lavender essential oil and peppermint essential oil and apply to the back of the neck and temples and rub in.

Diffusing lavender essential oil or inhaling it directly from the bottle also helps relieve headaches.

Improves sleep and insomnia

With its calming and relaxing properties, lavender essential oil improves sleep and treats insomnia.

A 2015 study divided 158 postpartum mothers into a control group and an intervention group.

The intervention group inhaled lavender oil at bedtime four times a week for eight weeks.

The women who used lavender essential oil had a significant improvement in sleep quality compared to the control group.

Several studies, like this one involving maternity, have demonstrated the hypnotic, sedative effects of lavender essential oil.

Inhaling lavender can reduce sleep disturbances, improve the quality and duration of sleep, combat insomnia, and improve overall well-being.

In addition, unlike most sedatives, lavender does not cause any side effects and can actually promote overall physical and mental health.

To improve the quality of your sleep, scent your bedroom with lavender essential oil before or during bedtime.

Alternatively, you can use apply 3 to 5 drops of the oil directly to your neck, chest and temples.

You should not use more than 3 drops of lavender essential oil before going to bed; a small dose is calming, while a large dose may cause excitement, and its modulating effect on the nerves is two-way

Pain Relief

Several studies have found that lavender essential oil can be used as a natural pain reliever.

Simply applying lavender to the affected area can reduce inflammation and pain and help relieve discomfort.

A 2015 study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine showed that topical application of lavender essential oil reduced the moderate pain associated with inserting dialysis needles. The researchers noted that lavender may be an option for reducing the pain of inserting dialysis needles, which can cause constant fear and anxiety for many hemodialysis patients.

Another study published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that a daily blend of lavender, marjoram, peppermint and black pepper essential oils applied to the affected area improved localized pain.

Another recent study proved that massage with lavender essential oil helped relieve menstrual cramps, which are associated with small abdominal cramps. The results of this study suggest that lavender essential oil can be used as a natural remedy for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and dysmenorrhea.

Complementary therapies for cancer

A 2012 study published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative medicine suggests that aromatherapy, particularly the use of lavender oil, can help cancer patients cope with stress, nausea, chronic pain, and depression.

Because lavender essential oil stimulates the immune system, improves mood, sleep and combats stress, it can be used as a healing agent.

After massaging lavender oil into the neck, chest, wrists and temples, it can produce a relaxing and calming effect.

If you feel muscle or joint pain, or pain at the site of injection, apply 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil to the painful area.

To relieve stress and anxiety and improve sleep, lavender can be diffused or inhaled directly from the bottle.

This is especially useful for use before and after surgical procedures and chemotherapy.

How to use lavender essential oil usually

Natural Perfumes

Do you want to smell good without using toxic perfumes? The scent of lavender essential oil is great for both men and women.

You can try applying pure essential oils directly to your skin, or you can dilute them with skin lotion or carrier oil to get a more subtle scent.

If you want to apply the oil directly to your skin, try putting 2 to 3 drops of the oil into the palm of your hand, rubbing your hands together, and then applying the oil directly to your skin or hair.

You can also try adding 2 drops of lavender oil to a spray bottle filled with half a cup of water, shake well, and spray as many areas as you want.

Consider mixing lavender oil with other essential oils that have a relaxing effect, such as cedar or frankincense oil.

I make my own lotions that include lavender, frankincense and peppermint essential oils and they smell great when blended and help reduce inflammation and improve skin health.

Another great way to use lavender essential oil as a natural perfume is to add it to your shampoo.

Non-Toxic Air Freshener

Just like using lavender essential oil as a perfume, use it as a natural, non-toxic air freshener at home, either by spraying or scenting.

To create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom before bed, try mixing lavender essential oil with water and spraying it directly onto your bed sheets or pillows.

The same method can be used in the bathroom.

Spray lavender essential oil on a bath towel before showering and smell the calming scent emanating when you are done.

Natural & Chemical-free lip care

Lavender is very effective in preventing sunburned lips and can also condition dry, chapped lips.

Try mixing the oil with avocado oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, or other carrier oils and apply to your lips, which will protect them from the sun’s rays.

If you have a sunburn on another part of your body, try the same method to soothe and condition your skin to prevent it from itching or peeling after a sunburn.

Relieves upset stomach

Many people find that the scent of lavender has a soothing effect on the stomach.

If you feel nauseous, or plan to travel by air and are prone to motion sickness, spray some lavender oil on your skin and clothing, or apply it to your temples, neck, and palms.

Food Tips

Lavender is a great flavoring agent, for example, when making grain-free muffins, in tea drinks, and salad dressings.

Lavender essential oil is completely edible, it has a strong fragrance and can be used in small amounts to add flavor.

You will need to purchase high-quality 100% pure essential oils from a reputable essential oil company.

Side effects and precautions of lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is safe for most people, but the oil may interact with medications.

There has not been a great deal of scientific research on whether it has an effect on pregnant women, so be cautious when using it.

Drug interactions

If you are already taking any prescription medications for sleep-related disorders or depression, please be aware that lavender may intensify the effects of these medications.

Even if you use over-the-counter sleep aids or any type of sedative (even cough or flu medications), keep in mind that lavender can make many people drowsy, so it’s best not to mix the lavender essential oil with other medications or sleep-related supplements.

Avoid using lavender essential oil if you plan to receive narcotic medications as well.

For pregnant women

Lavender essential oil is usually considered safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women because of its relaxing effect on the muscles.

However, it has the potential to affect hormone levels, so be careful using lavender during the second trimester.

It is best to talk to your doctor first when you are pregnant, and there is no complete guarantee that these oils are safe to use during pregnancy.

For children

Lavender essential oil is generally considered safe for use in children, although there is some concern that the effects of lavender on hormone levels may be harmful to boys who have not yet reached puberty.

Although there is no strong evidence that lavender is a hormone disruptor (only 1 or 2 very small studies have been completed so far), parents should be careful not to use it too often on young children. (small amounts in multiple dilutions)

Internal use

Studies have focused on the effects of applying lavender essential oil or aromatherapy on the skin and body.

When 3 drops of essential oil were mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the skin, no adverse symptoms were found. In an evidence-based article from 2013, it was highlighted that lavender ingested at doses of 80 to 160 mg (about 2 to 4 drops) had no side effects and only mild gastrointestinal reactions.

To avoid irritation of the gut, or if you have a more sensitive digestive system, try to reduce the dose taken internally.

But now, there is no additional information on the interaction of lavender essential oil with other foods.

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