You should know using essential oils safely can be hard when first starting out (and learning new methods can be hard for experienced users as well! )
This guide is intended as an overview of how to use essential oils. Different options for use, and just how to do them safely.
Just how to Use a Diffuser
There are 4 important components that you’ll need to be accessing quite regularly to use a diffuser properly, these generally include: where you place the diffuser, the total amount of water you use, the essential oils themselves, and the cleansing process.
Diffusers are usually best used in larger, open spaces but remember that you will require a power outlet for the energy source.
Filling up the diffuser is next, and all you must do is fill the product with water as required. There was usually a fill line or instructions in the manual.
Once you’ve filled in the water, add in 3 to 10 drops of the oil you want to use. Remember: more oil causes the scent to be stronger.
Last but most certainly not least, cleaning your diffuser regularly is a good idea. You are able to clean it by throwing out the old water, brushing the sides with a given brush or one of your own, and refilling the water.
Can you Put Essential Oils in a Humidifier?
Generally NO. There are a few humidifiers that will take essential oils, but most humidifiers are built with only water usage in mind. For more, see our article on humidifiers vs . diffusers.
The main reasons to not put essential oils in a humidifier is because of:
- How do the oils react in the machine?
- How the machine reacts to having the oils?
Since humidifiers are usually operated by evaporation and heat, this can actually change the oils’ properties. Due to this issue, the oils’ beneficial properties become pointless until you are using a cold air humidifier.
However, humidifiers often react negatively to having essential oils in its system such as coating the tank or leaving excess particles of too large to be absorbed.
In the long run, you will need to change your humidifier often if you choose to put the oils in them.
How to Use Essential Oils Safely
- Make sure that the essential oil you are thinking about is the most effective treatment for your issue. Otherwise, consult alternatives.
- Ensure that you aren’t allergic or painful and sensitive to any of the oils you plan on using.
- Only use pet-safe oils for your pets.
- Think about the other folks in the room and how are they going to affect when working with a diffuser.
- Watch the expiration date for essential oils and refrigerate them to increase longevity.
- Always store pure crucial oils where kids and pets can’t access them.
- Stay out from the sun or tanning booth for up to 24-hours after using photosensitive oils.
- It’s recommended not to use the same oils daily for weeks on end.
- Use caution when utilizing essential oils around those who have previously not been exposed to them.
- Unless specified, never use full-strength essential oils directly on the skin.
- If using it on the skin for the first time, do a patch test first to try for any adverse effects.
- Check safety information for oils you plan to use.
- Never ever put essential oils near or into the eyes. (Special Note: Olbas oil is perhaps not safe to use in the attention and can cause cornea burns and blindness)
- Never ingest essential oils unless you have expert advice or knowledge to do so.
- Have good ventilation when using essential oils.
- Always consult a healthcare professional when working with essential oils around women who are pregnant.
- Keep essential oils away from extreme heat sources such as flames, fire, candles, cigarettes, gas stoves, and fireplaces because they are extremely combustible.
Just Using Essential Oils (Methods for Using)
There are always a couple of different ways to make use of essential oils. They can be used aromatically, and topically (on the skin), some can be ingested (internally), and some are employed as household products and services (externally).

Use an Essential Oil Diffuser or Simply Breathe (Aromatically)
Aromatics have been useful for thousands of years, and diffusers are very predominant in today’s society. Nothing is new under the sun, only maybe only the method for using has changed.
Using essential oils aromatically taps into the olfactory system (smelling through the nose) in the brain and certain fragrances remind us of days past—maybe we smelled lily of the valley flowers or a rose that reminded us of grandma. Aromatic fragrances can bring right back those experiences.
Aromatherapy will help open the sinus cavities. Oil of cloves will help a small tooth ache go away in the full strength form. Essential oils can relive tension and improve quality of air in the home or office. The immune system could be improved with specific oils. They uplift our mood whenever we feel down.
Choose a good diffuser to cool the room temperature to purify the air
Inhale it directly by holding the bottle several inches below your nose or
Put a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale it that way
Make a steam tent by putting a few drops of oil into boiling water, putting your head close to the stream without burning yourself, with a towel on top of your head (tent) to keep the steam in
Aromatics smell good, are safe to use, and many are in perfumes and body soaps.
Apply to the Skin Topically
When you yourself have not done a skin test for sensitivity with your dermatologist or allergist, be cautious. These oils are potent and are probably sensitive to the sun (photoallergic, photosensitivity) where in fact the compounds can be exaggerated with the sun’s UV rays. Dilute the oil to try it, but stay indoors. You can attempt a patch test with a diluted solution, but it’s best if done by way of a physician mentioned above.
Footbaths and tub baths are wonderful with Epsom salts; it is beneficial as well. Enjoy a massage with diluted important oils mixed with mineral oil. You can also take to hot or cold compresses by putting diluted oils in a basin of water and applying with a washcloth rung out.
Use in a Recipe or Other Internal Uses
Be sure to only use food-type oils for consumption. You need to use oregano in leaf or ground form in Italian dishes. The oil would need to be diluted greatly. Adding a drop of one of the mints with or without lemon in a glass of cold water or a cup of heated water to be a tea has benefits.
Do not use it in your rectum or vagina. These areas must be evaluated by your professional doctor. You can burn yourself, and cause blisters, rashes, and bleeding—then you will need to see your doctor.
Use within a Bath or Aromatherapy massage
Add some great smelling oils to your clothes washer rinse cycle. Add it to a cup of water before pouring indirectly into your clothes.
After washing dishes, add essential oils to the clean sink to disinfect and leave an excellent fragrance afterward. Lemon oil makes a fantastic furniture polish and removes stains. Work with a half cup of apple cider vinegar to a quart of water for the hair rather than conditioner to remove all soap film and give it a glistening shine.
Do not rinse it out—the smell will disappear in a few minutes. The most crucial oils are antiviral or antifungal. Don’t add to household paint—it will affect the paint’s chemical components and might not adhere to surfaces.
Our discussion has been an overview of using essential oils. Use them wisely and keep your safety in mind for strong oils, especially on your own skin. Good judgment is the best way to go. When you use a great diffuser with essential aromatic oils, you will be pleasantly delighted with the outcome.
How to Use Important Oils on Skin
Using Essential oils on the skin should be done carefully. Spot test before applying a great deal. Generally, it’s important to use a carrier oil when applying to the skin, since it will help spread the essential oil.
What a carrier means is basically another oil – like grapeseed oil or coconut oil – or lotion-like body lotion – which is mixed with the fundamental oil to promote and improve the therapeutic properties of the oil on your body.
The usage of carriers is called ‘diluting’. Some oils must be diluted to be used. Types of these oils include Cinnamon or Oregano, which may feel hot on the skin otherwise. Using a diluting carrier oil reduces the consequences on sensitive skin.
Diluting will also do other items such as decrease the number of oil used per time and also lengthening the effects of the oils on your skin.
Some things you can do to get probably the most out of your essential oils include:
- Using a hot compress for faster absorption over the applied area
- Massaging the area to spread the oil and increase blood flow to these areas
Showering after usage. It works!
Where to Apply Essential Oils
Applying essential oils for specific uses will generally be on the area affected.
Other than the affected region, there are other places where you can apply these oils and receive beneficial effects considering that the oils will be absorbed into your bloodstream.
Firstly, the head is a part of the body where you can apply these oils to various parts. These include the forehead, the temples, under the nose, the bed base of the neck, and behind or under the ears.
Other places of the body where you can apply the oil include the wrists, the abdomen, the upper straight back, and often the soles of your feet.
Using oils on your feet is just a popular option that many people choose to do as it has many perks. First, the skin on the sole of the foot is thick and the pores are large meaning the absorption of the oils into your bloodstream will be quick. Furthermore, people who usually do not particularly like having a specific scent noticeably on them will have a harder time detecting the scents of the oils because it is at the furthest point of your body from your nose.
(Please Note: it’s vital that you consult a professional before applying essential oils directly.)
Using Essential Oils In The Bath
Important oils have been quite the hype, and for good reason too. However, using essential oils in the bathtub can be a little tricky at first when you’re really unsure what you’re supposed to be doing and if you’re doing it right at all.
There’s a vast range of options for you to select from when you’re shopping for essential oils hoping for your next therapeutic experience, but how can you know which kind of oil suits you?
Plus, what kinds of oils should you stay away from in order to avoid accidents?
First, don’t devote just any kind of oil. Safer bets include Lemongrass, Rosemary, Chamomile, and the ever-popular Lavender. Types of oils that you should avoid that can irritate your skin include Oregano, Cinnamon, and Clove.
Don’t just drop in the oil into your bath because it won’t provide you with the results you were longing for. You’ll need to dilute the oils first before adding them to the tub and add them at the right time: after the water is completed pouring.
If you put them in while the water is running it’s more of an aroma sensation in your bathroom than anything else. Also, don’t forget to stir the water lightly before stepping in.
For Gas Internal Using
Ingesting important oils is one of the popular ways of using these oils nowadays. But there are some benefits and doubts which have yet to be explained through aromatherapy research.
A number of people discover that ingesting essential oils seems to be the most effective way of having the relief they want from some kind of discomfort when compared to other types of essential oil use.
However, lots of people reject this idea reported by users it can be harmful to the person if not ingested correctly.
All ingested oils must be diluted in advance as these oils can have nasty effects on your body, especially the gut and esophagus.
All in all, this will depend on every person, simply how much of a positive effect for you to ingest these oils rather than applying topically for example, and how well your body reacts to having these oils ingested.